Increasing number of turtles in Los Cabos

Growing number of turtles in Los Cabos

The Sea Turtle Protection Network said that the first 17 turtles of this species were born.

The Network for the Protection of Sea Turtles announced that the first leatherback turtles of the season were born, as of this writing there were already 17 hatchlings, which were released. Dr. Graciela Tiburcio Pintos, member of this network, pointed out that although this year there has been an increase in the number of nests that have been protected, this species has different behaviors each year.

“The graphs indicate that there are fewer and fewer turtles of this species in our country, although this year there was an increase in the number of nests, we continue with a downward spiral behavior, this means that one year it goes up, the next it goes down, and although it goes up again, it does not surpass the previous year, which was good. This is why it is considered a critically endangered species”.

“It is a species with a very complex life cycle, we hope that, in the following years, we could see an increase, thanks to conservation efforts. Unfortunately, the predictions are not encouraging”.

With information from El Sudcaliforniano.



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