- At 17 years old, a young man from Bulgaria plans to break a Guinness record by visiting 52 countries, Los Cabos becomes the 23rd stop
‘Macksolo’ flies one of the fastest light sport aircraft. When he was 15 years old, he received his ultralight pilot’s license, becoming the youngest pilot in the world.
The young man left Sofia, Bulgaria on March 23, 2022 and in almost 5 months of travel he has traveled through Italy, Greece, Egypt, Madagascar, India, Pakistan, Dubai, Korea, Japan, the United States and now Mexico.
He said he still has a month to go before he can complete her journey to become the youngest person to fly around the world alone in an airplane and the youngest person to fly around the world alone in an ultralight aircraft.
He related that he comes from a family of aviators, his dad is a professional ferry pilot, his mom a private pilot and his sister is also a private pilot and completed her first round the world flight in January 2022, which was an inspiration for him.