An international company won the bidding process and the contract was signed in December 2020; the project will be located in Pichilingue, municipality of La Paz.
After issuing a tender for a new cruise ship terminal in the municipality of La Paz, the director of the Integral Port Administration (API), José López Soto, announced that a winner has already been chosen and even the partial transfer of rights has been signed; he anticipated that 80 to 90 ships will arrive.
“An international company located in Mahahual (Quintana Roo) won the bid, they are currently in the process of all the environmental procedures and all that is required for the installation of this terminal, it is an investment of no less than 1,500 million Mexican pesos, which will allow us to catapult the city of La Paz to another level in terms of the cruise industry,” he stated in a radio interview.
“To use, take advantage of and exploit a land area of 63,496.92 square meters (m2) for the construction, equipment and operation of a facility for tourist cruises, for public use, as well as docking at the public use (common) dock called Muelle de Usos Múltiples No. 2 of the Port,” the document details.
With information from Panorama Informativo.